The Power of Record Sealing: Opening Doors to New Job Opportunities


In the world of business, potential employers often approach candidates with past criminal convictions with caution. Why? There’s a concern about possible problems when hiring someone with a criminal record. And, yes, that includes being sued.


Corporate Caution

Within the corporate realm, even human resources departments are not exempt from this anxiety. The phrase “covering their backs” is a common theme in these circles.

Imagine a scenario: a company hires an individual with a criminal record, and somewhere along the way, something goes wrong. 

Suddenly, the higher-ups scrutinize the human resources decision, demanding answers. “Why did you hire this person with a criminal record?” they ask.

In reality, such situations are relatively rare. Many individuals with criminal records are smart, have remarkable skills, and prove to be the perfect match for a job. 

However, most companies opt not to take the perceived risk.


A Game-Changing Solution: Arizona’s New Motion to Seal Law

But here’s where Arizona’s new Motion to Seal law steps in, offering a promising solution that can reshape your career prospects.

The Words in the Law 

The Arizona Motion to Seal Criminal Record Law, now in effect, presents a clear provision: if you successfully seal your criminal case, you can respond with a “No” when job applications inquire about prior convictions or arrests.

That’s literally written word-for-word in the statute.


Transforming Your Job Hunt

The significance of your record being erased from public view can’t be overstated. It’s a game-changer in your job hunt, and it enables businesses to make hiring decisions based on your qualifications and suitability for the position.

Imagine the possibilities that open up when employers don’t let past mistakes overshadow your skills and potential.

With your record sealed, doors to new job opportunities swing wide open.


Contact Me

If you’re considering taking this pivotal step toward erasing your criminal record and embracing fresh career prospects, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at  

Derron Woodfork

Looking For a Job? Why Your Old Criminal Case Matters

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