Can You Seal Out-of-State Convictions in Arizona?

If you’ve been wondering whether you can file a Motion to Seal in Arizona for a conviction from another state, here’s what you need to know.


Arizona’s Requirement for Expungement

The short answer is no, you can’t do it in Arizona.

As mentioned in a previous article: New in 2023! Arizona Expungement Law, Arizona’s new law for Arizona expungement is specific to convictions that originated within the state.

An Arizona court must have sentenced or charged you for this law to apply.


Restoring Your Gun Rights in Arizona

The same applies if you’re looking to get your gun rights restored.

Unfortunately, even if you now reside in Arizona, you cannot file a motion for Arizona expungement here for an out-of-state case. You’ll need to initiate a similar expungement process in the state where you got the conviction. 


Expunging or Sealing Convictions in Other States

Now, what if your case is from outside of Arizona? Here’s the good news and the not-so-good news.


The Good News: Expungement Options in Every State

The good news is that almost every state in the U.S. has some process in place for expungement or sealing old criminal cases.

They’re called expungement laws, second chance laws, seal records, erase records, etc.


The Challenge: Not All States Are Equal

However, the not-so-good news is that not all states have laws as good as Arizona’s for expungement in this regard.

In fact, until January 1, 2023, Arizona was quite similar to many other states, where you couldn’t entirely erase your criminal record.

You could only eliminate certain penalties, as discussed in my previous article: How to Erase a Criminal Conviction in Scottsdale Arizona.


Seeking Legal Assistance in Your State

I’m licensed to practice law in Arizona, so I can’t provide advice on cases in other states. However, you can take the following steps:

Research Your State’s (Where you got the conviction) Bar Referral Service for Expungement

Begin by Googling “[Your State] + state bar referral service.”

Most states have a referral service that can connect you with a criminal defense attorney well-versed in the laws governing record sealing or expungement in your specific state.

By speaking with a lawyer in that state, you can gain valuable insights and guidance tailored to your situation and jurisdiction.



Remember, even though you can’t expunge out-of-state convictions in Arizona, there are usually options available in your former state to help you move forward with your life.


If you have any questions, please contact me at

Criminal Conviction Outside of Arizona? Arizona’s Expungement Law

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