If you’ve ever wondered where your tax dollars are going, one place they go is fighting you if you are injured by the government. For example, if you are in a simple car accident with a police car, you’re in for a hard fight.


Two things you must know:

First, you only have 6 months to file a Notice of Claim or you will lose your case forever. Normally, you have 2 years to sue in a personal injury case.

Second, you must know exactly who to sue. In the government bureaucracy, figuring out the exact person to sue is extremely difficult. Normally, in a nongovernment case, you simply sue the driver who hit you. But with a police car, it could be the police department, the City, the County, the State, the department head, the agent for service, etc. 


There are some cases in law that you can handle yourself, this is not one of them. If you are ever injured by anyone, or anything, connected to government, you should hire an experienced lawyer.  
Suing the Government? It’s Harder Than You Think

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